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Volunteers needed – Hospitality cart (Roving ConSuite)

MNFurs Home Page Forums Discussion Around Past MNFurs Events And Picnics Anime Detour 2014 Volunteers needed – Hospitality cart (Roving ConSuite)

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  • #22210 Quote
    Hello AD attendees!


    AD is approaching and now is the time where we need volunteers for the roving hospitality cart !

    To give some background to this, the hospitality cart is ran each year at AD.  It has always been a success and it’s now happening this year.  A big cart with food and beverages was pushed around to the many departments that were not able to leave their area…Food items contained sandwich items and soda and water for beverages.  For each shift there is a handler and a fursuiter.  The handler would usually push the cart and make the food for a department head and get them their beverage of choice.  The fursuiter acts as a fun and playful distraction for walking with the cart and for attendees not directly involved with the department.

    NOTICE:  The hospitality cart is for the people directly involved with ‘X’ department, NOT for AD attendees (attendees need to visit the ConSuite for food items)

    Now for the fun stuff…

    We are looking for 10-12 fursuiters (with a handler) to step up and volunteer and we have 9-10 shifts to fill…Each shift is about an hour long.  For those that are interested in assisting with the roving cart, please post here and/or talk to myself or Zepaw to keep a proper track.  We will be actively monitoring this thread and Zepaw will be mingling with the community to seek out volunteers as well.

    All recorded volunteer hours will go towards your 20 for MNFurs along with AD.  We will keep track of hours for the MNFurs side and slips are available to fill out for AD hours (ask how to obtain these).

    – Please do not hesitate to ask questions –

    Thank you!

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #22219 Quote
    Did it last year as a suiter, and I want to do it again.
    #22220 Quote
    Good to hear Van, glad for your help! Be sure to poke any other suiters you know about how fun it is. 😉
    #22350 Quote
    Drake, I would like to help out, just let me know what I need to do.
    #22357 Quote

    Drake, I would like to help out, just let me know what I need to do

    Lego, thank you for volunteering.

    This is a very simple and fun activity to do.  The people in suit just act silly to be a fun distraction while the cart is moving and when stopped.  For example, you can pretend like you are chasing the food cart as it’s moving.  When stopped, try to stay around the cart and do not venture off too far.

    Your handler will be the one putting together the food items and handing out a beverage.

    Each shift is about an hour out of a person’s day and you will be given more information as AD gets closer.  If you have something that may interfere or are part of a panel, let us know ahead of time and we can try and work around your schedule.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions and thanks again !

    ~ Drake M.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Drake M.. Reason: Grammatical errors

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #22870 Quote
    Hello everyone, AD is approaching quickly!


    Thank you everyone who has volunteered to dedicate time for the roving ConSuite.  Zepaw has sent out an e-mail to these people who have volunteered to obtain the appropriate information on shifts.

    If there is a specific shift that you would like to work this weekend, please let him know in an e-mail reply.  You can also post here with this information also as we are still actively monitoring this thread.

    Lastly, does anybody have any questions?

    Again, thank you volunteers…Your interest and time for the roving ConSuite is very much appreciated.

    Zepaw, feel free to chime in with any additional information.

    SIDE NOTE TO ALL:  On Friday, I will not be arriving at AD ’till sometime after 5:30 due to a work training course.  Please find and converse with Zepaw during the morning and afternoon hours that day.  I will be readily available after 5:30 Friday and the rest of the weekend.

    ~ Drake M.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Drake M.. Reason: Forgot some information

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #22900 Quote
    I could bring the elephant if I take and sew up the rips.
    #22909 Quote

    I could bring the elephant if I take and sew up the rips.

    Sure, sounds good.  If brought, we can figure out a shift for you to work.

    Thanks Grumble!

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #22919 Quote
    I can’t wait to help 😀
    #22980 Quote
    – THANK YOU –


    ANOTHER YEAR OF ANIME DETOUR DOWN…I want to personally thank everyone who suited and handled for the roving ConSuite.  All departments got fed and much fun was had along the way of each stop.

    Afterwards I saw that most had their orange slips to get their volunteer hours for AD recorded…This is good and myself and Zepaw were able to initial off on most of them when necessary.

    For hours on the MNFurs side, the recording of hours will be worked on ASAP.  I will be sure the appropriate documentation is filled out to make sure all who volunteered get their hours.  If there are questions on hours, please be sure to inquire as all shifts have been recorded.

    Thank you again, volunteers are what makes all of this happen!

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
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