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To my previous handpaw commissioners!

MNFurs Home Page Forums General Discussions Fursuiting To my previous handpaw commissioners!

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  • #43974 Quote
    I am proud to say, I have recently changed my style and technique of claws to accommodate a more durable build! These claws are much less likely to pop off within a short period of time.

    I also take the time to carve into each claw with a knife to make them more realistic and animal-like.


    With that out of the way, I am offering a $5 upgrade to my new, more durable hard claws!

    This only applies to people who have commissioned me previously for handpaws with hard claws.

    The only catch is that you have to pay for shipping. :p

    Send an email to me at [email protected] if you’d like to upgrade!


    This offer will only last until the 10th of September!

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