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So what questions do you guys have right now? Anything? Anything at all? *taps mic* Is this thing on?

MNFurs Home Page Forums Discussion Around Past MNFurs Events And Picnics Furry Migration 2014 Furry Migration General Discussions For 2014 So what questions do you guys have right now? Anything? Anything at all? *taps mic* Is this thing on?

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  • #3896 Quote
    OK guys.  Hit us with questions. Cool
    #6864 Quote
    Kellic said:

    OK guys.  Hit us with questions. Cool

    Any idea on what the con is going to be called?

    #6865 Quote
    How ’bout… FerretCon… Showers optional! =)

    In all truth, the con group has really been more focused on nuts and bolts of structure and content than name. I’m sure we all have our pet con names, but I suspect we’ll turn to the community to give feedback as well.

    Would be great to steal a bit from steampunk and brits and call it “ConFurGents” .. So we can have very straight laced victorian characters with stern (read: grumpy) disapproving looks.. But it is too close to CONvergence in sound. =)

    #6866 Quote
    ConFurGents is freaking genius!
    #6867 Quote
    we could go FurConGents as the first syllable will differenciate us from ConVergence.
    #6868 Quote
    Another suggestion is: “Lakeside Furcon”, seeing as how most of us are in Minnesota and this is the 'Land of Lakes” (seeing as how it seems that even a knee-deep pothole gets branded as a lake in this state. 😛    )
    #6845 Quote
    Any ideas on pricing to get in possibly?


    Suggestions for names: (some of these are going out on quite a limb, but eh, worth a shot)


    Fur North (So Fur North)

    FURther North

    FURrily Satisfied 

    Winter FURlough

    The FURnace

    Northern FURy

    Winter's FURy

    #6841 Quote
    Ruethel said:

    Any ideas on pricing to get in possibly?


    Suggestions for names: (some of these are going out on quite a limb, but eh, worth a shot)


    Fur North (So Fur North)

    FURther North

    FURrily Satisfied 

    Winter FURlough

    The FURnace

    Northern FURy

    Winter's FURy

    😛 LOL THE FURNACE nice..also Furily satisfied is cool too

    #6842 Quote
    Ruethel said:

    Any ideas on pricing to get in possibly?

    No clue. At this moment the CDC (Convention Development Committee) is working on the “Event Charter” (basically a document defining what the event is, how it’s managed, what the goals are, and how to resolve conflicts) which will need to be submitted and accepted by the new MNFurs board of directors once it appears and is populated.

    If it was me.. I’d start the budget predictions at $30 pre-reg / $45 at the door and see what that results funding for space and other costs. But again, this isn’t gospel… It’s my own musing.

    #6827 Quote
    Do you think you’ll try to have a sponsor/super-sponsor price, or just stay with standard attendance price?
    #6798 Quote
    Twisted said:

    Do you think you’ll try to have a sponsor/super-sponsor price, or just stay with standard attendance price?

    My understand is 10 – 15% of the population of any established convention want some sponsorship level. And of those they have different reasons why… Some want the added perks (sponsor breakfast, t-shirt, free beer, special consuite, no-wait lines), and others just want to do it as a way to donate more money to a convention they love.

    So it isn’t off the table (in fact a decent amount of “what we can do” is still on the table), but I truly don’t know what the price would be or what the thank-you gifts can be.

    An idea that was dropped for OMFG and Cat Days was to make renting a sleeping room a method to become a sponsor. As room nights may be more valuable to drive down space rental then getting the extra $30 – $40. But it has nasty warts related to whom in the room gets it, how many we give, and how to validate it at registration. And after the first two years or so it will lose value quickly as the convention grows.

    #6094 Quote
    I wonder what a spring convention with a cabin fever type theme would be called?
    #5985 Quote
    grumble said:

    I wonder what a spring convention with a cabin fever type theme would be called?

    Longing Fur Sunshine XP

    #5822 Quote
    Just to clerar something up, the CDC has narrowed down the potential time frame as the Second half of the year, and it will be during a part of the year that it won't be snowing.  Tenatively we are looking at early Fall.


    Why are we putting this timeframe up?  A winter con could be a disaster if it actually DOES snow out.  Imagine what would happen to our outside attendees if the MLPS airport SHUT DOWN during the con.  It wouldn't be very fun for them.


    Why not spring?  Theres a lot of cons LOCALLY that happen in the spring (Anime Detour, Mars Con, Mini Con, etc) and a number of fur cons that would affect that timeframe as well (Namely FCN)


    So, as we are thinking “themed names” probably avoid those who involve Spring or Winter.  It would be awesome to have a con called “Minnesnowda” but it's not going to happen.

    -- MNFurs Photography Head--

    Want a Photographer at an event? Want to help out with Photography at an event? PM me!

    #5824 Quote
    If its a fall con?

    “Falling fur you”?


    I dunno thats the only one I got >.>;

    Wut o.o

    Im Sike AND Banana

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