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Room space available, Friday-sunday

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  • #44210 Quote
    I have a room, coming in early Friday, checking out Sunday.


    So room is Friday night and Saturday night.


    We have two queen size beds, can fit up to three more people, one sharing a bed with me and the service dog ( don’t worry, she’s a corgi and isn’t huge)


    Notice for allergies- There will be a service dog in the room, she is at the con for training on large crowds, strange things(pursuits, wheelchairs, mobility chairs, canes, etc).. if you choose to room with us there is a dog in the room.. please don’t ask to be in the room if you have allergies, are afraid of dog or this is a problem.


    Room share paid in advance


    If only two in the room $142 per person

    If three in room $95 per person

    If four in room $71 per person

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Shannon.
    #44262 Quote
    Two in room, possibly three at this point. One spot for sure left.
    #44268 Quote
    Hi I’m interested! :3
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