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Returning Fur & Lost my acc credentials

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  • #63066 Quote
    Some of you may know me as Noxyde (Not hiding who I am). Some may know I left the fandom back in January of 2023 and went on a hiatus for almost a year. I’m trying to make a return to the fandom as who I really am with a better mindset on life.

    Currently looking into getting my own place in July or by October. So I can relax and get a fresh start on life.


    A bit about me.

    I’m a gamer at heart and love plants, astronomy, and wildlife. I’m a huge party animal and after two strong drinks you’ll see a difference between sober me and party me 😂

    I work practically from 9-6 tues – fri & 9-4 Saturdays so bare with me as I do get busy and tired during the week. If you have any questions or want to chat feel free to dm me as I enjoy discussing things and learning new things I may not know. Warning, I speak what’s on my mind and don’t beat around the bush & I’m extremely upfront and blunt.


    P.S. don’t worry about a possibility of me flipping out and causing drama over something you said as I’m not that type of furry. All topics are open.

    #63139 Quote
    Welcome back Noxyde!

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

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