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MNFurs 2017 Mythic Picnic Art Badge Competition

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  • #47686 Quote
    What will be the badge art for the picnic this year? Guess what? That is up to you!

    Our community has so many talented artists. It is hard for the event runners of Mythic Picnic to pre-pick the one who will do the badge. So instead, we wish to have an open competition to highlight the skills and talents of our local artists.


    • Submissions for sketches will be open until April 8th, 2017.
    • To help us predict the finished product, feel free to include references, website links, gallery links and/or an artist alias to search by.
    • A sketch is a basic pencil/pen framework of the final badge. Regardless of being picked, 2 hours will be rewarded for your time and participation.
    • Submissions are to incorporate the theme of “Mythic Picnic”. This still leaves a lot of room for both content and style. Go for classical, feral, mascot, cartoony, whatever you may like. The subject matter can range from gods, mythic animals, folklore, or even settings and locations.
    • Please leave space or include “MNFurs 2017 Mythic Picnic” and a reasonable space for the individual badge name as well as the badge punch. We reserve the right to edit the image to try to incorporate necessary space for names.
    • The final badge must be at least 300 dpi for printing purposes with the dimensions of 2.125″ by 3.375″.
    • We will contact you as soon as the winner is determined on April 10th.  You will then have 2 weeks to complete the final badge and receive 8 additional volunteer hours.

    All Submissions To:

    [email protected]

    Please make sure to include “MNFurs Spring Badge 2017 Submission” in the subject line.

    #48319 Quote
    did anyone win? if so, where would I be able to see that prize art  :3

    Here's pointin' at you, kid.

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