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Looking for Fursuit Crafters

MNFurs Home Page Forums General Discussions Fursuiting Looking for Fursuit Crafters

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  • #44426 Quote

    I’m looking for people who craft full fursuits, and in particular, I am ultimately seeking a Snow Leopard design traditional to the real animal (rosettes not spots, short ears, etc.) My only past opportuity to get a suit didn’t work out as the craftswoman didn’t feel comfortable trying to do rosettes. Currently, I have a yarn tail, but I would get a new tail if it matches the suit better.

    Only do parts? I’d still like to talk. I need to learn a few things:

    • What is needed in a request?
    • Prices?
    • Creation Time?
    • Materials?
    • Safety considerations? – I should point out I have Asthma, but it’s very well controlled. I was once advised that small fans might be possible to install in the muzzle to assure air flow.
    • Other features?

    If you believe you could do a Snow Leopard style in part or all, I would love to hear from you. I do not have a timeline on this idea, it’s just a long lingering desire and I don’t know any crafters in the fursuit line.


    #44429 Quote
    Snow, your questions are well placed but the problem is that you won’t find many here. Maybe a few people who do it for a hobby but nobody professional and does it for a living. For those people you need to find them and go to them, you have to initiate that first step with them directly.  They might have a form for you to fill out for a quote, and the thing is that you have to give them time to get back to you.  And the other thing is that Snow Leopards have a lot of markings on them.  The price will go up with the amount of quality you want put in.

    Also, you’ll want a new tail. It’ll look better with the suit as a whole, especially when the fur matches up.  Yarn tails are cool, but you’ll want them to make the tail.

    Gonna give you a few people who do beautiful work:

    By Cats 4 Cats (local to MN)
    Mixed Candy
    Don’t Hug Cacti
    Clockwork Creations (for the realistic suits)

    Those guys have proven reputations for great work and good service. But fursuits today range in the area $2k and higher area. So patients and saving are how you’re going to get in the doors with those guys.

    That’s all I can think of off hand. There’s a lot more out there that I don’t know. So keep your eyes and ears out.  Hopefully you find someone who meets your needs. 🙂 And if you have something coming up like a down payment for a car or expensive yet necessary buy, use the money on that instead!  The fursuit makers will continue making and will open up again and again. Once you have what you need to afford one, go for it! 🙂

    #44437 Quote
    From the con recently, I will say the workmanship (workfurship?) of Drakonic Knight really impressed me.  Their FA is drakonicknight and I saw some very realistic looking puppet/plush heads among their fursuit work.

    Other makers I’ve personally been impressed with their work would be Lion of the Sun (taught Adam Savage to sew fur actually), Beetlecat Originals, and Komickrazi (where I got my suit from).

    "The problem is not that there are too many idiots in the world, the problem is the distribution of lightning."
    - Mark Twain

    #44440 Quote
    A maker I’m really impressed with is Hyenahoy. You can find her on instagram with a link to her site. She does beautiful work and is about to open for commissions again in October. She also works really fast, creating full suits in just a few months since she keeps her commission slots low.

    She only does toony style but they look really nice.

    #44443 Quote
    Thank you everyone who has replied. This helps me a lot to be pointed towards crafters. I didn’t know the best way to get in contact with crafters and online searchers tend to be all over the place (either I word them badly or fur hate is way more popular the fursuit/costuming). Given I’ve never done events before for and about furs, I’ve never seen costumers who specialize in anything besides leather for corsets, medieval, or steampunk.

    I’m prepared to look into this as an investment. I’m financially responsible and quite aware of my banking. Good idea to point out the 2K being a possible range.

    Edit: Never thought of searching for suits as “Mascot”. I thought that was sports teams only in concept. Derp!



    #44457 Quote
    Hello I have a LemonBrat fursuit that I love to pieces. Here is a link to there fursuit website- http://www.lemonbratfursuits.com

    They may be a little on the pricey side but the LemonBrat team is wonderful to work with. I would fully encourage you to check out their fursuit website and their other website where they sell Kigus and hoodies. You can find this here- http://lemonbrat.com

    I fully recommend this group of artists because of my own personal experiences commissioning them for a hoodie and fursuit. They were a joy to commission and had great response times to questions.

    I would also like to note my fursuit had a fan installed by them which was put in the muzzle.

    #44462 Quote
    You can also check out Stuffed Panda Studios, who made both of my suits which I’m quite happy with. She does amazing and high quality work, and can make full suits, partials or just a single component or two. I’m sure she can do the snow leopard rosettes you’re looking for as well and offers a head fan option. But she is also in high demand, so there will be a wait involved depending on what you want. Worth it, though.



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