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LF Ride Share. Duluth to Minneapolis. Down on Thursday, back on Sunday.

MNFurs Home Page Forums Discussion Around Past MNFurs Events And Picnics Furry Migration 2017 Furry Migration Ride Share and Parking Transportation LF Ride Share. Duluth to Minneapolis. Down on Thursday, back on Sunday.

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  • #47164 Quote
    I’m 99% sure I’ll be going to Furry Migration this year, and 50% sure I’ll still be in Duluth. I’m trying to find work anywhere in or out of the US, so it’s possible I’ll have to just fly in to Minneapolis, but if I’m still in Duluth it would be a lot more fun to ride with someone (or a group of someones) to and/or from the convention.

    So I’m posting this to see if there’s enough interest in the Duluth area to get something set up in a way that won’t adversely affect anyone if my travel plans change.

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