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Henlo~ Lovely To Meet You All~

MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs Introduce Yourself And How Did You Find MNFurs Henlo~ Lovely To Meet You All~

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  • #63951 Quote
    Henlo, my name’s Jacqueline and I’m your local kitsune bimbo~ I’m a 27-year old transgal living in this lovely state of MN and found MNFurs just browsing one day and figured it would be nice to connect with locals~

    My Sona and OC is Jacqueline, a very wide and airheaded three-tailed kitsune who’s an absolute spoiled brat and loves gold and jewelry.

    I’m a huge nerd that loves VRChat and any videogames I can get my hands on, I love modeling goth outfits, cooking, and mixing drinks for friends~

    Don’t be afraid to say hello if you want, I don’t bite, M u c h~

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