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Furry Migration: Convention Materials (online and offline)

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  • #4476 Quote
    Since there was a slight nudge for discussion already. I’ll open it up a few months before I intended (which was in July). I have no price range in mind as of this moment. I should really have chats with other local conventions for printers information and rough pricing.. But that is background noise as no one going to a convention cares about that stuff. *smile*

    This is mostly brain storming. Which means I’m not committing to anything. Just want to see more ideas flowing. =)

    So as you progress over the next few months to different conventions (or over the last few months) figured out what you like and dislike about other people’s Convention Books, Programming Guides, or Food Guides. If you have examples (Scanned, pdf, or physical books to bring to Perkins meet) that is always great.

    Below is a start of things that I’m thinking of…

    – “Convention Book” containing:
    – Guest of Honor info
    – Dealer room info
    – Hotel Layout
    – Stories / Writing contest (?)
    – Artwork
    – Community submitted cooking recipes (?)
    – Introduction from Con Chair
    – Advertisements (other cons, local business, dealers den, etc)
    – Comics (?)
    – Convention staff (?)

    – “Grid Programming Guide” containing: (full size? half-size? 6pt font microbook?)
    – Quick programming guide by room (down the page) by Time (across the top)
    – Programming by Track
    – Long description of each program

    – “Online (web) Programming Guide” containing:
    – Quick programming guide by room (down the page) by Time (across the top)
    – Programming by Track
    – Long description of each program
    – Searchable
    – download full iCal version or customized iCal version (?)
    – Full login with ability to “share” what panels you are going to with others (?)
    – Pretty Mobile phone version (?)

    – “Restaurant Guide” containing:
    – Local food spots
    – Map of area

    Let me know your thoughts. As I’m starting to put together a plan which of course will be driven by getting staff *COUGH* and funds.

    #10967 Quote
    Actually a more basic question… Do people want a ConBook that one saves for future remembrance? Or would they rather we move the way the SciFi/Gaming conventions when which is the “information you need now” with no thrills?
    #10975 Quote
    myself, I love keepsakes, so having something physical, and fun would be great, plus not every one uses net books and I phones, or devices that can get wifi on the go.
    #10976 Quote

    @LegoFox said:

    myself, I love keepsakes, so having something physical, and fun would be great, plus not every one uses net books and I phones, or devices that can get wifi on the go.

    I wouldn’t suggest going only to online or PDF version of the ConBook. The internet at any convention can be a fickle beast, and I’ve not seen any good software to do offline management of your convention schedule with alerts, alternative panel options, etc.

    The last question was more content. What “fun” things do you want to see in it? Crossword puzzles? Guest of Honor connect the dot pictures? Line images you can color? Obscure or lesser known fandom facts? Old comic strips from the underground days of furry comics?

    I’ll admit I’m more of an old school SciFi/Gamer convention goer. Where the ConBook was ads, a bit about the guest of honor info, and then just pages after pages of programming. Crammed into the smallest form factor they could get to make it as cheap as possible.

    #10995 Quote
    I think it would be really cool to have a con book with little activities or obscure facts interlaced with con information and scheduling!  Gives you something to do at 5am when you can’t sleep for excitement, but there aren’t any panels going on.

    #11010 Quote
    A con book by all means in my mind.  Basically for this: 

    @Aribelle said:
    I think it would be really cool to have a con book with little activities or obscure facts interlaced with con information and scheduling!  Gives you something to do at 5am when you can’t sleep for excitement, but there aren’t any panels going on.

    But more for the novelty, use it as some writing material for contact information of some person you meet at the con, its a very useful multipurpose item and I for one would be slightly disappointed if we don’t have one to be honest. 

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