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As the joker said: And….here…..we…..go.

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  • #3641 Quote
    So for years many of you have been asking, and asking, and asking when?  When are we going to have a fur con here in Minnesota?  And for years I and others have been telling you to be patient.  That to put together a con that  can last 2, 5, 15, 20 years doesn't happen overnight.  To put together a con that people want, and is different from other cons requires thought, planning, consideration, and most of all community buy-in.  I will be honest folks.  We could have put together something a few years ago.  However it most likely would have lasted one or two years, and then would have fallen apart.

    Today?  Today we start down the path of building something real.  Something permanent.  Something that you want.

    For the past month a group of us from the steering group have been tasked with doing one thing: Build the foundation for a Minnesota Fur Con.  


    Step one is talking to you good folks.  To find out what you want in a con.  What you liked in cons around the country.  What you didn't like.  What you thought was unique at a con.  And what drove or drives you away from a con.  

    This is it folks.  Time to be a part of the creation process.  And with that in mind we started listening to you at Cat Days.  We handed out surveys, and we have been going through them over the last couple weeks reading what you guys think.  We are't done yet though.  Shortly we will be introducing an online survey so if you have friends from around the country send them the link.  Because good ideas don't just come from here, and we have no issues stealing other cons ideas if they are good ones. Laugh


    So feel free to use this forum to talk to us.  Post your ideas, thoughts, and things you see coming back from cons that you think we should really have at a MNFurs Convention.


    That is step one.  The second step we are already well in the development stages of and that is: OK.  We are going to have a con.  What will the structure look like?  What departments will it have?  Who will report to who?  Will there be a chairman or will we go with a Division structure?  All behind the scenes stuff that you guys probably don't care about, but needs to be figured out.  Rest assured we are going to show you how we cook the meal including the ingredients. 

    But one thing is for sure.  Come second half of 2014 a new Minnesota furry tradition will take its place alongside the picnics.  There will be a Minnesota fur con.  So lets get started.

    #5449 Quote
    A gaming room would be good as so many of us are gamers. If time works out so that I can get some time and a way to get there as well as a room to share, I'd be willing to help run the gaming room as well as supply some of the games.
    #5448 Quote
    argouru said:

    A gaming room would be good as so many of us are gamers. If time works out so that I can get some time and a way to get there as well as a room to share, I’d be willing to help run the gaming room as well as supply some of the games.

    For the initial round of surveys the MUST HAVE items that the vast majority of folks said they want were:  gaming, dance (Except for one lone person who did not like dances.), social space (consuite.), and quality panels.  Just as an FYI 🙂

    #6573 Quote
    I've never been to a con myself, but maybe trying to get some shows and the like could be cool.  Also, things like talent competitions, battle of the bands, or fursuit “pageants” (or whatever we would call them) could be fun.
    #8234 Quote
    It was cool hearing about it being planned while at the Fall picnic. I'd love to help out. I emailed the address that was posted some graphics work I've done in the past for other events. I'm currently involved with Ichibancon in Charlotte, NC, Furry Connection North in Novi, MI, and Anthrocon in Pittsburgh, PA.

    In general, keep it fun and see what the draw would be. If the draw is the idea is popular in a high populous of Furry fans, that helps (location). Games, dances, improv, jam space, photo set up, and food are always a draw. Art Shows put more stress on folks running the event and dealing with more taxes, so I tend to like that FCN doesn't deal with one.

    Having things nearby that are close to the event within walking distance is also a draw. This can range from restaurants, office supply shops, grocery stores, or places with activities (such as a skating rink or bowling).



    #8255 Quote
    A dance competition will bring folks like Doryuu and Mangusu *swoon* for sure. (Well, maybe not Mangusu, he's a Floridian….)

    Fursuit parades are always awesome and good ways to see all the creativity behind our fantastic community.

    The Fursuit Games at Cat Days were super fun, I'd like to suggest we do that for 2014 as well. (I was the red dragon with blue hair.)

    A community dance would be fun too, and I would like to try my paw at MCing as I have quite a bit of energy.


    We gotta be sure to advertise EVERYWHERE POSSIBLE to get a real nice turnout, yeah?

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