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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Bear Essentials

Bear Essentials is a quarterly camp-out event ran via Minnesota Furs within the state, generally at state parks or private campgrounds.

The focus and mindset for Bear Essentials is to spend sometime in nature with only the bear essentials (Get it?) needed and disconnect for a weekend with fellow like-minded Furs.

Upcoming Events

Please check the Minnesota Furs event calendar for upcoming Bear Essentials events. There is generally one in the spring, summer and fall. There is no Bear Essentials during the winter. If you’re interested in outdoor excursions during the winter, Check out Midwinter Frolic.

Attendance and Cost

Bear Essentials is one of Minnesota Furs very few events that requires paid admission. The cost of admission grants you the following:

  1. One tent space within the group reservation block at a State Park / Campground
  2. Contribution towards firewood for the communal campfire

Cost of admission generally can vary from event to event depending on the venue and the cost of the campsite for us to bulk reserve or reserve on behalf of a “group”. Please register for Bear Essentials by following the registration link within the event posting on the calendar.

Due to the nature of this event depending on reservations, Refunds are unable to be provided as it risks the stability of the event for everyone involved. Please ensure you’ll be able to attend before paying/registering.

Notable Mentions

  • Since this is an outdoor event and we want to respect our natural resources, Always leave the campsite in a better condition than how you found it! Pickup all and any garbage, even if it isn’t yours!
  • All food overnight must be secured within a vehicle. Food left out will attract animals, and while we appreciate and like animals, we want to avoid potentially aggressive encounters.
  • We want to be welcomed back to State Parks & Private Campgrounds. Please respect all rules of the venue. Violations / disregard for neighbors (Furry or not) will result in disciplinary action.

First Bear Essentials (Pack List)

If this is your first time considering attending Bear Essentials, consider the following when packing for the weekend trip:

  • Campsite
    • Tent (If not sharing with someone)
    • Sleeping Bag
      • Check the forecast, sometimes it can get cold at night!
    • Sleeping Pad (Optional, but will be more comfortable)
    • Camping Chair
    • Lantern or flashlight
    • Battery Bank (Most campsites don’t have power)
  • Tools/etc (Optional, but Quality of Life)
    • Multi-tool
    • Mallet or Hammer (For tent stakes)
    • Small broom / dustpan (For cleaning dirt out of tent)
    • Parking Permit (If State Park)
  • Clothing / Footwear
    • Moisture-wicking Tshirts
    • Jacket / Layers (Check forecast for rain!)
    • Boots/Shoes (suited to activities planned)
    • Socks
    • Sleepware
  • Food/Kitchen
    • Cooking pot/pans
    • Eating Utensils
    • Plates/Bowls
    • Cooler & Ice (If you have perishables)
    • Trash Bags
    • Water bottles
  • Health & Hygiene
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Toothbrush & Toothpaste
    • Prescription Medications
    • First-aid supplies
    • Sunblock / Insect Repellent


Most questions pertaining to the location of the event can be found by checking the website, either it be a state park, or a privately owned campground. Questions unanswered may be addressed via GlitchingGator or Sarge (the event coordinators).

Is there a schedule of activities?

This depends from event to event. You should plan to be present during the “Opening Remarks” which generally happens on day one. This is where rules of the event, and various different officially recognized activities will be announced. Throughout the event as you meet new people, you’re encouraged to go out on your own little adventures/activities, like hiking, checking out the water front or other such activities. You can expect the following to occur each event though:

  1. Opening Remarks / Mentions
  2. Group Photo
  3. Closing Remarks / Thank You / Goodbyes

What is there to do at the event?

Socialization. Enjoy time with each other around the group campfire. Hiking along the  park trials. Play music around the fire. Pack board games. This is a great time to disconnect from technology and enjoy the outdoors and company of others. Check the website of the venue for the event to see what resources the park may have for additional activities.

Can I expect somewhere to plug in devices?

Not always. You should always pack and plan on there being no power hookups directly at the campsite unless otherwise stated by the venue website. Remember, this is called “Bear Essentials” afterall. So with that being considered. Ensure you bring battery banks/packs if you need to top off your phone during the weekend, otherwise keep your devices off or in power-save mode.

Is food provided?

Your registration solely helps pay for the group site, and doesn’t include food. Food may be shared and provided by other campers, but don’t bank on it. Its best to come prepared with your own meals planned out as desired. There may be communal sharing of treats like s’mores, but it doesn’t hurt to come prepared and maybe even bring something to share! (Not expected) To cook food, a campfire will be available, and put out later into the night as people start turning in to sleep.

How can I do dishes? Water options? Showers?

Most campgrounds will have a source of water available. It depends on location to location if the water is potable (safe drinking water). It would be a good idea to bring bottles or jugs of water just in case. Some locations may or may not have shower facilities available. Plan accordingly.




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