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MNFurs June Community Forum

It’s time for the monthly MNFurs Community Forum! What is a community forum, you may ask? It’s a place you go to learn about important stuff going on in your local fur group and give feedback on past events and voice concerns and ideas for the future. Still with me? In short, It’s the place to go to make your voice heard. Join us at the Hopkins Caribou before the next fur meet for coffee and discussion.


Date: June 18, 2016

Time: 4pm – 5

Location: Caribou Coffee, 1601 MN-7, Hopkins, MN 55305

Cost: Free, but please support the venue and get a coffee or mixed beverage

Fursuit Friendly?: No, please leave your partial and full fursuits at home


MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs June Community Forum

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    And here are the notes from said meeting:



    Attendees: Euro, Alkora, Aerak, Drake, Flyingfire, Roscoe, Kurst, Stopthat




    Thanks for coming to the fursuit romp earlier today


    June 25th– Jack will be hosting a bonfire, 3 PM to 9 PM, at his place in North Point Church in Coon Rapids, Hot dogs and buns provided.  Potluck style, so please bring something to share.  No alcohol, please.  Fursuits are welcome, there are facilities to change at the church.  See forum post for further details.


    June 26th– GPS Pride parade-  We need 6 to 8 people for the parade,  1-2 of those individuals preferably out of fursuit since there will be a banner which will need to be carried.  It is unknown at this time if MNFurs will be helping out with the booth, but leaning towards probably not.  Forecast is sunny, 89F, and suiters will need to stay in suit for 2-3 hrs.  The event starts at 10 AM, and this is a high-energy event with lots of people there.  See forum post or contact Kurst for further details.


    July 10th– Community Bowling at Maddie’s Lane in St Paul.  12 lanes available, $6 gets you 3 games and shoes.  If you don’t bowl, please support the establishment by purchasing something to eat/drink.  There will be no place for changing or tote storage, so wear your Underarmor to the venue.  Also, fursuit feet not allowed.  See forum post for further details.


    July 16th– There will be a private viewing for “The Secret Life of Pets” at the Rosemont location of Marcus Theatres.  6 PM meet up time, movie starts at 7 PM.  This is a private theatre, but there will be tote storage and changing facilities.  More details TBA.


    July 17th– Zaza will be having a picnic and pool party at parent’s home, on the east side of 494.  Address won’t be on the post, email her to RSVP and ask for address.  There is a cap of 100 people.  Potluck style, so please bring something to share.  Bring swimsuit if you want to swim.  There will be parking on the street but no bonfire.  Forum post to be added later.


    Opinions on past events:


    Machine Shed meet- some were noticing that waitresses were badmouthing about the group continually ordering food.  Majority opinion was to find a new locale because of poor service.


    Alternative venues:


    Nina’s, corner of Selby and Dale at 165 Western Ave, St Paul


    Uncle Frankey’s in Fridley?  We can show up at 5- restaurant has a 9 PM close time, but they may change it to 10 PM.  Seating for 32 inside, with some seating on the outside, so good for 12-20 people.  A trial date at this new venue may occur in late July.


    Fall picnic will take place on Sep 24 at French Regional Park, Plymouth.  A theme hasn’t been announced, but send an email over to the directors if you want to help out.


    Some folks on the forum have brought up mentoring, and acting as a liaison to new members of the community to get them integrated.

    • But doubts have been expressed- the intent is good but liaisons leads to new cliques since mentoring can lead to just introducing someone to current group of friends.
    • Social mixers are given as an alternative, but doubts have been expressed here due to individuals being shy.
    • Some folks want to get to know people on a one-on-one basis.
    • Want to encourage folks to go to an event, but the problem is perception and/or making the first step- “I don’t have a fursuit so I can’t do events.”
    • Go to a furmeet, but problem is perception- Furmeets are seen as akin to an AA meeting, cult, or convention. And “Perkins is a place to meet up with your existing friends and play a game.”
    • Need to change perception to it being a fan club where people come and meet friends. It’s about being yourself, and we are fans of ourselves.  Most of the fandom consists of fan-made things.
    • There will always be little groups, and a mentor isn’t going to work in situations like this.


    Spring picnic overall went pretty well, all things considered.


    Next meeting is July 16, tentatively at the Byerly’s in St Louis Park to try a different location.  Depending on opinions of others, may switch meetings to a weekday or have them at locations easily accessible by bus.

    Never be average...- myself

    When life has no purpose, you're dead already- Kiba from Wolf's Rain

    Humans are so stupid.  I'm definitely sure of that now- Lavi from D. Gray Man

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