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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

MNFurs July Community Feedback Meeting

It’s time for the monthly MNFurs Community Feedback Meeting! Do you have suggestions for what we can be doing better? Something we aren’t doing that you think we should be doing? Or do you want to volunteer with MNFurs? Let us know!

Join us at the Hopkins Caribou before the next fur meet for coffee and discussion. There is no agenda. Just stop by and chat with us.

Date: July 30th, 2016

Time: 4pm – 5pm

Location: Caribou Coffee – 1601 MN-7, Hopkins, MN 55305

Cost: Free, but support the venue and get a coffee or specialty drink

Fursuit Friendly?: No, please leave your full or partial fursuits at home

MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs July Community Feedback Meeting

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  • #43227 Quote
    Hey fluffs,

    MNFurs President and resident derp, Aerak here. I hope everyone is continuing to be awesome! Part of that awesomeness is for you to attend this “meeting”. Otherwise your awesomeness will be downgraded to a lower level of awesomeness that I haven’t yet comeup with a name for.

    I have been talking to a lot of you individually at recent furmeets. I have heard a lot of good ideas from some very passionate furries. If you have an idea for something we aren’t doing, I want you there. If you have an idea for making something we are doing more awesome, I want you there. If you are a skilled individual and want to offer your talents, I want you there. And lastly, if you are a board member, I want you there.

    So all that said, if you are reading this, I hope to see you there!

    #43229 Quote
    Aerak, I may not make this month’s meeting so I will be e-mailing you notes for the Events portion of it.

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #43230 Quote

    Aerak, I may not make this month’s meeting so I will be e-mailing you notes for the Events portion of it. ~ Drake M.

    Sure, np!

    #43428 Quote
    Thanks for everyone who showed up! We had our best turnout in over a year.

    We got a lot of great feedback and we will be addressing it during our board meeting tomorrow.

    Thanks again and look forward to seeing everyone again at next month’s meeting!

    #43515 Quote
    And here are the notes from said meeting:


    Attendees:  Aerak, Flyingfire, Aaron, Utakubeta, Bandit, Tsudo, Euro, Roscoe, Ski, JB, James/Tank50US, Kurst, Yarrick


    Essential information to events needs to be on the event calendar.  Aforementioned important information (date, time, location, event description) and any updates to information from initial event submission currently gets buried in the forum post.  URLs on event calendar need to be highlighted in blue and input/show up as a URL, not as mere text.  There are calls to start using a 3rd party event site like Google Calendar or Facebook, but there are design and technology issues, and concerns of having folks move onto a certain platform.


    Should we switch to a 2 calendar system- 1 for official events, 1 for unofficial events (community at large), but there are concerns about separatism.


    It currently takes too long to get an event on the calendar- a 2 week turnaround time is unacceptable, and target should be 24-48 hours.  There are currently communication breakdowns and email trails as a result of too much time spent on going through and checking info for the events being submitted.  There needs to be a location field for the event form.  Problem- Control is being split between events dept and content dept.  There is a call to set up a separate meeting to discuss the website’s shortcomings and to have it redesigned so it is easier to navigate.  Also, some feel that there are too many forum topics and there are calls to archive things.


    There are also calls for a newsletter at large.  But there are concerns about legal responsibility for events in case something goes wrong.


    The volunteer system is being looked at and investigated to see what can be fixed and made better.


    There are currently issues with rights for certain shows to be shown at Furry Migration- esp with certain publishers.


    There are currently communication and coordination issues with who is in charge of what.  IE:  Members can voice suggestions/concerns to board/FM staff member A and get told one thing, then get told something else by board/FM staff member B.  OR Board/FM staff member A can say he/she has no authority/is not in charge of said issue, to contact board/staff member B, who won’t get into contact with member.  Contact info needs to be passed on from member to board/staff member B via board/staff member A, or board/staff member A needs to forward member’s contact information to board/staff member B and have him/her contact member.  There has also been a call to put a list of responsibilities under each director.


    Should MNFurs continue to do a meeting somewhere other than Perkins every quarter?  Problem- most places want a down payment, but that shouldn’t knock out the place out of consideration.  There are calls to find a location other than The Machine Shed.


    There are calls to make a different MNFurs telegram chat


    Next meeting is on Aug 27 at Caribou.

    Never be average...- myself

    When life has no purpose, you're dead already- Kiba from Wolf's Rain

    Humans are so stupid.  I'm definitely sure of that now- Lavi from D. Gray Man

    #43517 Quote
    I attended this meeting but I don’t see my name on the attendee list. I might’ve mispronounced my name.
    #43527 Quote

    I attended this meeting but I don’t see my name on the attendee list. I might’ve mispronounced my name.

    No worries. I’ll make a note that you were there as well. =)

    #43535 Quote
    M’kay thank you Aerak
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