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Minnesota Furs 2020 Candidate Debates is On YouTube

Candidates Cyn, Euro, and Rico running for the Minnesota Furs board of directors, agreed to meet up Sunday March 8th to be in a debate. Grumble could not but was willing to be recorded separately. The candidates were given questions by the election committee and the public and you can see their responses from the debates on YouTube.

We hope you watch these videos to learn more about the candidates and a little bit about Minnesota Furs at the same time.

We live in interesting times and the Covid virus has upset our plans but fear not we will have information on how to vote coming on the Minnesota Furs by the end of this weekend so hang tight!

Thanks for all the support of the community and candidates during this weird time.

Minnesota Furs 2020 Candidate Debates Part 1 – Grumble

Minnesota Furs 2020 Candidate Debates Part 2 – Cyn, Euro, Rico


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