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Werecamp Registration Is Open!

If you didn’t hear about it at Furry Migration, registration for Werecamp is now officially open! You can register by going to werecamp.regfox.com/registration. Before registering, you may want to check out the page “Werecamp – Things to Know.” That will explain a few things that you might want to know before registering, such as the fact that you need to bring something to put on your bed to sleep.

But before you go anywhere, here is an explanation of our registration options. We have four different types of registrations for you to choose from with each type providing a different lodging experience. All registrations for the full weekend include lodging and food. All prices shown are per person.

$80 Individual Registration: This is the basic registration for a single person. You will be assigned to a room with other people selected at random. You will probably be in a full room of 8 people. If you don’t care who you end up rooming with, this is the best price for the weekend.

$100 Group Registration: This is the registration for those who want to pick the people they share a room with. Each group must have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 people. When you register as a group, nobody else will be placed in your room. If you want to have some space to organize an activity or perhaps just want to use the top bunk to store your fursuit bins or games, then this is a good option for you.

$140 Couples Registration: If you only want to share a room with one other person, this is the registration option for you. The two of you will be assigned a smaller room with two single beds.

$25 Single Day Registration (Saturday or Sunday): If you want to attend for just a day, you can make use of this registration option. Lunch and supper are included with this option, but you are not allowed to stay the night and must leave by 10 PM.

Registration is set to close December 26th, 2017 at 9 PM. Be aware that there is an attendance cap and it is possible for registration to close earlier.

MNFurs Home Page Forums Werecamp Registration Is Open!

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
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  • #50257 Quote
    I’m so excited! This will be my first camping experience 🙂
    #50394 Quote
    So a tad last minute but.


    So the camp counselor 2 bed, rooms.  Can I register for that room even if I don’t have another person to room with?  Or will you just assign another person who is at that rate into the room?

    The wording on the reg page suggests you need to have another person reg with you, which I don’t.


    “<label class=”must-show ng-binding”> Couple ($140.00)</label>

    Registration option for couples. Must register in a group of exactly 2. Lodging and food included. Will be assigned to a room for only 2 people.”


    #50395 Quote
    I didn’t want to assign two people into the counselor rooms without them deciding who they would room with, mostly to avoid the potential drama that could occur. At the same time I didn’t want people to grab the rooms by themselves and cut the capacity on those kinds of rooms. So we did require people to get those rooms with another person.

    Looking at what my current cabin allocations are, we have a couple of these rooms that are going to be going unused. Since we are at the end of registration I’m willing to show some flexibility on this one. Go ahead and complete a couples registration and put a placeholder name into the field for the other person.

    Let me know if you don’t see this before the deadline. I’ll work some magic since you were waiting for a response from me.

    #50567 Quote
    Oy, the pain of not planning ahead, and completely forgetting about this.  Sorry but I won’t end up attending after all :-Ç

    Hope this can happen again next year!

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
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