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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Central MN Furry Meeting Tomorrow Night!

Hey there! Are you from the St. Cloud area and looking for something to do on a weeknight?  You are in luck as there will be another round of a fun furry meetup at the Public Library.

Date: May 23, 2017

Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Location: Great River Regional Library – Room 259, 1300 W Germain St, St. Cloud, MN 56301

Cost: Free to attend


Fursuit Friendly?: No, please leave your partial and full fursuits at home, but ears and tail are okay!

MNFurs Home Page Forums Central MN Furry Meeting Tomorrow Night!

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