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July Mid-Month Mall Walk

Hey MNFurs! Was one mall walk per month not enough? Unable to make it to the Thursday walks due to work, family, or other obligations? Feel free to join us on the third Monday of every month for a mid-month mall walk!

Come join Alli Coyote and your fellow furs for a casual walk around every floor of the nation’s largest mall! We start at the first floor, making our way up and around every floor before rounding off the night in the food court!

Where to Meet:  Outside of Barnes & Noble on the 1st floor.
Cost: Free to attend, the cost of food at the Food Court is typically $7-15 for those who wish to join for dinner.
RSVP?: Yes, so others can see who is going!
Fursuit Friendly?: No, please leave your fursuits at home. The Mall of America has a strict policy against full body suits and full face coverings. Tails, ears, and handpaws are permitted.

MNFurs Home Page Forums July Mid-Month Mall Walk

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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.