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Duluth Fur Romp

Hi there floofs! It’s time for another fun fur romp, this time we are going back up to the Duluth area! We will romp around the downtown area and around the shores of Lake Superior at the familiar Lief Erikson Park. Come on out and join Drake and many others as we romp around and make some fun memories! We will be meeting by the amphitheater, which the address should bring you directly to.

There is street parking near there, but here is the parking lot by the Duluth Rose Garden, as that is not far from the meeting spot. Here is a map showing the walk from parking to the meeting location.

RSVP?: Yes, so you can let others know that you are going!
Fursuit Friendly?: Yes! Come and be fluffy!

MNFurs Home Page Forums Duluth Fur Romp

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