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Cuddle Party 2024 at Migration is a GO!


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  • #63831 Quote
    After working with Hotel, we now have a bigger room for the Cuddle Party at Furry Migration in 2024!

    I know people found it got quite crowded in a normal suite room of party row last year.  So we have worked hard with convention to find a larger space.  And Migration delivered! Big, Big Thank You to them all!

    Some things to know about this year:

    1: We will still require you attend a panel once before you are allowed to attend any day of party, just so we are all on same page on proper behavior. Panel should run prior to room being opened every day. That is late evening on Thursday and 6pm on Friday and Saturday.  Get your sticker from panel early so you can attend all 3 days if you wish.

    2: It is still an 18+ party. Sorry, grown ups only.

    3: Had to edit this section as final scheduling confirmed and it changed what we will do.   Thursday night panel is at 9pm and our room will be open from 10pm-midnight.  I would recommend this earlier panel.   The next 2 panels are 8pm on Friday and Saturday.   Cuddle Room party will be open from 9pm to 1AM.

    4: We will be on one of the “top floors” of the hotel.  You will need a room key (or know someone who does) to use elevator to get to party.  But the view up there is amazing!

    5: We are looking for additional staff to help run room party and eventually take it over.  We have proven it can work so now the existing staff would like to hand it off to new generation in future years to keep this going.  Feel free to contact me a [email protected] if you are interested in helping out this year and help us pick things out like background music, lights and décor.  Plus if you are interested in running it in future years, I’ll introduce you to all the staff you will need to know and work with.

    If you have any questions, respond to this thread, PM me or email at above address and I can hopefully answer all your questions.


    • This topic was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by Tanuki-san.
    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Tanuki-san.
    #63833 Quote

    Best news I’ve heard all week 😊

    #63835 Quote
    Question about number four, I’m planning on staying with a family member and not at the hotel. Do the stairs require a room key?
    #63836 Quote
    This samurai dragon might be willing to help with staffing
    #63837 Quote
    Sadly I believe stairs are fire stairs which means doors tend to be one way.  I do not believe you can get to upper floors via stairs.
    #63838 Quote

    Question about number four, I’m planning on staying with a family member and not at the hotel. Do the stairs require a room key?

    Sadly I believe stairs are fire stairs which means doors tend to be one way.  I do not believe you can get to upper floors via stairs.

    #63839 Quote

    Day ruined

    #63840 Quote
    I have never been to one of these before. Can you explain  what there like?
    #63841 Quote
    We (the other hosts and I) provide a “chill” space where people can relax to furry or near furry music videos, fun lighting effects are carefully place chairs, couches, and floor matting (with pillows) so people can sit, lay down, and enjoy the vibe next to their fellow furs.  The term we use is “non-sexual intimacy”.  This is why we require people to attend a panel before they are allowed in, make sure everyone knows how to address, respect and manage their own and others personal space.  As one attendee said after party last year; “Sometimes I just need a hug.” I agree.
    #63871 Quote
    Had to update times of party as final scheduling of panel and lack of staff to run room and panel at same time means room party will be just from 10pm-midnight Thursday, then on Friday and Saturday from 9pm-1am.  If I can get response in emails I may be able to extend those hours.
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