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Just came up with a fursona and need some help finding someone to commision art

MNFurs Home Page Forums General Discussions Artwork Just came up with a fursona and need some help finding someone to commision art

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  • #39558 Quote
    Hey fellow furs!

    As you can all see now, as of earlier today, I have now found myself a fursona.  As you can see, the name I came up with for him is SilverMoonHowler.  Since I believe that my spirit animal is a wolf, I thought why not come up with some cool sounding wolf name!

    Ok, back to the main topic at hand now.

    As I stated in my title, since I have now got myself a fursona, I now need to find someone who I can commission for a drawing of my fursona for things like my icon on here, FurAffinity (once I get one) and other things.  I was just wondering where y’all could lead me to find an artist to commission artwork for my fursona, or if there’s anyone artists here in the MNFurs community that could help me out.

    What I was thinking of for my fursona as I said before is a wolf, a gray/timberwolf to be exact.  What I’m picturing for him right now is big gray ears, blue eyes, and a black nose for the face.  As for the body itself, I was thinking that it would be just gray just like your usual wolf.  In terms of what I would want to have for an icon for on here, I think it would be cool to have a profile view of the head and it cocked back and howling up toward a silver moon, hence my fursona name.

    Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by YogiBear.
    #39561 Quote
    Yo, I’ve been sketching and drawing for years. I haven’t given much thought to sketching a fursona, but j would be willing to work with you on a design!


    Email me at [email protected] for questions or a quote on my pricing, or a sampling of some of my work.


    Have a good day!

    #39562 Quote
    Is going to be artists up at the convention F.M.?  And in my second question how do they usually do with the payment
    #39563 Quote

    Yo, I’ve been sketching and drawing for years. I haven’t given much thought to sketching a fursona, but j would be willing to work with you on a design! Email me at [email protected] for questions or a quote on my pricing, or a sampling of some of my work. Have a good day!

    Just sent you an email.  I look forward to working with you and bringing my fursona to life!

    #39564 Quote

    Is going to be artists up at the convention F.M.? And in my second question how do they usually do with the payment

    I believe so.  I don’t know exactly for a fact, but I do know that 2 weeks from this Saturday that there’s a furry artist meetup.  I bet more likely than not, that a good bulk of them will be going to Furry Migration.

    #39565 Quote
    Ok thx
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Rex Hunter.
    #48694 Quote
    Your fursona sounds like they could be my fursonas sibling, they’re so similar! I’d love to draw them for you if you don’t mind it not being digital.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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