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4th Room Mate wanted! June 1st – Minneapolis

MNFurs Home Page Forums Regional Discussions Minnesota Metro – Twin Cities 4th Room Mate wanted! June 1st – Minneapolis

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    We have a house!

    About the house: A WHOLE 1,300 square foot, 4 bedroom house (with backyard and parking garage) located off 38th and 2nd ave in Minneapolis (off hw 35w). It’s located off the buslines 18, 23, and 11, with a lot of small shops in walking distance, and have a basement with washer/dryer, and unfinished attic for storage. The only real downside is that there is only one bathroom.  Contact for cost.

    Your Possible Housemates: Zepaw, Crash (the dog), and myself, Farellemoon, will be your possible roomies.

    Crash is coming in from California, he’s a fursuiter, and he’s been really easy to talk to and get along with long distance. I would describe him as cautious, curious, and very cheerful. He has Aerak vouching for him! He has a Wii! Of course we need to get a TV for that to be of use, but we’ll get there. His fursona is a grey dog with floppy ears – it’s so cute and TALL!

    Zepaw I’d describe as a leader type furry, he dabbles in art, biking, is vegan, and also extremely easy to talk to. (Honestly you shouldn’t have issues communicating with anyone in the house hold – we’re all talkers.) From his room mate Flip I have heard nothing, but wonderful things about having him in a house hold, and I trust Flip a lot considering I was one of his last room mates too. Zepaw’s fursona is a fox (which he had drawn by Blotch – so jealous!), and his mate is Kane – who might be joining our household later. I totally forget where Zepaw works… but he does. =P

    And myself, Farellemoon, I would describe foremost as an artist. In fact, my art studio will be taking up an otherwise pointless nook by the staircase (in trade for taking the smallest bedroom which is literally a room that barely fits a bed). I genuinely love people, so I’m fairly easy to get along with. I do have cerebral palsy (which is managed), and bipolar disorder (also managed), and so I admit to sometimes having bad days – but I’ll always communicate. My fursona is a purple wolf with curlie hair. FYI – there’s going to be furry art framed and posted all over the walls! I work for Health East Hospitals at the switchboard.

    What we’re looking for: I can’t emphasize this enough, CLEAN!!! We’re not talking about doing surgery in the living room, nor will we be conducting military inspections of everything, but trash needs to be taken out, dishes need to be done (we has dishwasher BTW), and frankly I shouldn’t ever have to know what kind of under wear you wear… or for how long you choose to wear them at a time, so laundry baskets please!

    Otherwise, a steady stream of income is important to us, as well as a good personality that gets along with people/ can tolerate everyone to a comfortable amount, we’re obviously all animal people but do be aware that the yard, while fenced, needs some work for pets. Pets are allowed, $250 pet deposit and $30 a month extra, and you are expected to do it… no hiding animals.

    So, if you’re interested, send me an email at farellemoon(at)gmail.com or reply!


    Jenn/ Farelle



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