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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Interview Signup

Stories Wanted!

We’re looking for Minnesota Furs community members to tell their stories of what the organization means to them. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been involved with the group for a month… a year… or six years… If the group made a meaningful change/impact in your way of life, we want to hear it!


  • The org helped you meet your partner(s)
  • The group helped you discover who you are
  • It was a place that helped you feel comfortable for who you are and that you’re not alone
  • Assisted you in making new friends you otherwise thought wasn’t possible
  • Gave you something to do on weekends!
  • Gave you insight into the fandom and what it meant for your child
  • Helped you learn new skills


Please complete this short form if you are interested in being a part of this project. We are accepting both in-person interviews, and online interviews.

  • In-person (Preferred): We’ll setup a camera and have you on camera. Any names put on screen will be your Furry alias, we won’t use legal names (unless preferred).
  • Online: We’ll conduct interviews on whatever platforms work best. Discord call, Google hangouts, Microsoft teams, etc.

The format of the interview will basically be “What does Minnesota Furs mean to you?”, with follow up questions drilling in further into your answer to get some insight. You can check out this example here.

Please be mindful that due to large interest in being a part of the project, Not everyone will be chosen for a part in the documentary. This form does not guarantee you a slot. If not selected, please don’t take it personally, theres just a lot of entries and submissions for us to go through and we try not to select very similar stories.


You must be logged into a free mnfurs.org account to signup showing interest.

Participation is only available to Minnesota Furs Members.



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